We design fun and unique engagement programs that align large populations in new strategies, values, ways of working, culture shifts, regulatory requirements and more

Powerful solutions for rapidly engaging and aligning diverse audiences in new ideas

Shift to digital
Customer experience design
Future of work
Employee experience design
Employee engagement
Employee communication
Employee dashboards
Values and behaviours
Shift to digital

“Shifting to digital is not business as usual with a new tagline. Digital transformation requires a significant shift in the mindset of leadership”

Paul Ashcroft & Garrick Jones (2018)
Alive: Digital Humans And Their Organizations

Digital transformation reshapes how organizations work and deliver value. This change necessitates not only new processes and tools but also a shift in mindsets organizational structures, problem-solving approaches and leadership styles.
  • Learning programs to build capabilities
  • Talent planning architecture
  • Gamified methodologies
  • Digital experiences hosted in SmartLab Engagement

Powerful solutions for rapidly engaging and aligning diverse audiences in new ideas

Shift to digital
Customer experience design
Future of work
Employee experience design
Employee engagement
Employee communication
Employee dashboards
Values and behaviours

How we work

Visual scribing
Film & animation