The EXP focuses on three interconnected phases—EXPLOREEXPERIMENT, and PRODUCE. Each phase plays a crucial role in guiding an organization through diagnosing current processes, testing innovative solutions, and rapidly implementing transformative changes. The methodology is designed to create sustainable, people-centered outcomes that align with technological advancements and future business needs. Additionally, THE EXP supports global and diverse organizational practices and is tailored for organizations impacted by the shift to digital work, new social behaviors in the digital era, millennial workforces, and curiosity-driven learning environments.

Phase 1 - EXPLORE


The EXPLORE phase provides a comprehensive diagnosis of the organization's current functions while identifying cutting-edge, best-in-class alternatives for improvement. By leveraging the latest AI tools and Ludic's SmartLab platform, this phase delivers a deep understanding of both internal processes and external benchmarks, setting the foundation for transformation.

Key Activities
  1. Organizational Diagnosis
    • Utilization of AI-driven analytics to conduct a deep dive into all key organizational functions. This may include finance, HR, operations, customer service, supply chain, and more.
    • SmartLab is used to gather, analyze, and visualize data from different organizational sources, enhancing transparency and collaboration.
    • Assessment of data flows, communication structures, decision-making patterns, and technology adoption levels.
  2. Research of Best-in-Class Alternatives
    • AI tools and SmartLab capabilities are employed to research and identify industry benchmarks and best-in-class processes that can be adopted or adapted by the organization.
    • SmartLab fosters real-time collaboration between stakeholders, enabling them to collectively explore innovative solutions that align with the organization’s vision and goals.
  3. Engagement with Functional and Content Experts
    • Collaborate with both internal and external subject matter experts using the SmartLab platform for interactive sessions and workshops.
    • SmartLab provides a dynamic space where experts can visualize data, share insights, and contribute to shaping recommendations in a seamless and collaborative environment.
Why This Supports Global and Diverse Organizational Practices
  • The EXPLORE phase reflects modern global practices by embracing diverse perspectives through collaboration and inclusion of global best practices.
  • The integration of digital tools like AI and SmartLab allows organizations to access global data sets, ensuring that transformations are reflective of current worldwide trends and innovations.
  • The use of functional and content experts mirrors the global shift towards cross-functional, diverse teams, which are increasingly critical in a digitally connected world.
  • A comprehensive understanding of the organization’s current state and its pain points.
  • Identification of gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • A clear roadmap of potential best-in-class alternatives that can be implemented in future phases, supported by the collaborative insights generated through SmartLab.



The EXPERIMENT phase focuses on using scenario methods, AI tools, and the SmartLab platform to test innovative ideas and create rapid prototypes of potential solutions. It encourages the organization to experiment with different pathways in a controlled environment to determine the best course of action for the future.

Key Activities
  1. Scenario Methods
    • Development of multiple future scenarios based on insights from the EXPLORE phase.
    • Use of AI to model various "what if" situations, enabling a clear understanding of how different strategies might play out under various circumstances.
    • SmartLab allows teams to collaboratively build and test scenarios in real time, offering a space to simulate outcomes and refine ideas.
  2. AI Tools for Testing Ideas
    • Utilize AI-powered simulations to test the feasibility and impact of potential solutions across different organizational functions.
    • SmartLab enhances this process by enabling real-time feedback and adjustment during simulations, making it easier for teams to iterate on their ideas.
  3. Rapid Prototyping
    • Create rapid prototypes of potential solutions, which can be both technological and process-oriented, for immediate testing.
    • The SmartLab platform enables virtual prototyping, allowing teams to co-create and adjust prototypes collaboratively before physical implementation.
  4. Constructive Feedback Approaches
    • Implement iterative feedback loops between stakeholders and functional experts via SmartLab to improve prototypes.
    • Engage in constructive, collaborative discussions aimed at refining and optimizing potential solutions using SmartLab’s interactive tools for feedback and brainstorming.
Why This Supports New Social Behaviors and Digital Working Practices
  • The EXPERIMENT phase aligns with the rise of digital-first, collaborative work environments that are essential in today’s remote or hybrid working models.
  • Scenario-based methods and rapid prototyping foster a learning-based organizational culture, which is crucial for millennial employees and organizations driven by curiosity.
  • The use of AI tools and SmartLab’s real-time collaboration capabilities mimics the fast-paced, interconnected nature of global digital workplaces, allowing organizations to be agile and adaptive.

  • Tested and validated ideas for future implementations.
  • A set of promising prototypes with real-world feasibility assessments.
  • Insight into the risks and benefits of various strategic paths, with the added advantage of SmartLab’s real-time collaboration and feedback capabilities.

Phase 3 - PRODUCE


The PRODUCE phase is where the transformation takes its final shape. This phase focuses on collaborative design and decision-making events to finalize the path forward. It also leverages Ludic Group’s SmartLab along with other state-of-the-art social networks and tools to ensure effective communication and engagement during the transformation process, leading to rapid implementation.

Key Activities

  1. Collaborative Design and Decision-Making Events
    • Host cross-functional workshops, brainstorming sessions, and design sprints using SmartLab to collaboratively make final decisions.
    • SmartLab offers a virtual environment for teams to co-create solutions in real-time, visualizing final decisions and ensuring alignment across the organization.
  2. Engagement via Social Networks and Tools
    • Leverage AI-powered social networks and collaboration platforms (e.g., Slack, Microsoft Teams, Trello) to enable ongoing employee engagement and communication.
    • SmartLab acts as a centralized hub for decision-making, employee engagement, and real-time updates, ensuring all employees, regardless of location, are involved in the process.
  3. Rapid Implementation
    • Once decisions are finalized, use AI tools and SmartLab to roll out the solutions quickly and efficiently.
    • Organizational dashboards and KPI trackers, integrated within SmartLab, are used to monitor the immediate impact of the transformations and ensure rapid problem-solving where necessary.
  4. Continuous Employee Engagement
    • Foster ongoing engagement and collaboration among employees during and after the transformation process using SmartLab’s communication and feedback tools.
    • Encourage the use of feedback channels and AI-powered sentiment analysis to gauge employee satisfaction and adjust where needed.
Why This Supports Millennials, Curiosity, and Learning-Based Organizations
  • The PRODUCE phase reflects the millennial workforce’s preference for collaboration, rapid iteration, and constant feedback, facilitated by SmartLab.
  • The methodology encourages a learning-oriented culture, with continuous feedback and engagement, fostering curiosity and innovation within the workforce.
  • The combination of AI tools and social networks ensures that all employees can participate in the transformation process, regardless of geography or hierarchy, in line with modern social and digital behaviors.
  • Rapid and successful implementation of the best-tested solutions, supported by SmartLab’s collaborative infrastructure.
  • High levels of employee engagement and buy-in for the new organizational structure or processes.
  • Real-time tracking of performance improvements and the ability to quickly resolve any issues during implementation through SmartLab’s monitoring and reporting features.


The EXP methodology, enhanced with Ludic’s digital experience platform, SmartLab, is a holistic, AI-driven approach designed to guide organizations through transformative change. By incorporating global and diverse organizational practices, understanding the impact of the digital shift on social behaviors, and supporting millennials and curiosity-driven learning environments, The EXP ensures a seamless, innovative, and inclusive approach to organizational transformation. It combines the power of cutting-edge AI, collaborative digital platforms, and employee engagement to create agile, future-ready organizations.