Identifying and actively shifting the dominant mindset can improve performance, especially in challenging times. By owning the narrative and fostering positive behaviors, leaders can transform the organization's mindset. Embracing digital tools and generative ideas from all levels of the business accelerates this shift, creating a motivated and agile workforce.

A dominant mindset can typically be defined as a habitual or characteristic mental attitude that determines how to interpret and respond to situations. Crucially, within an organization, this mindset needs to have a clear “owner” – just as the business strategy, sales targets and financial indicators do.  

The challenge for any organization is first to identify its dominant mindset, understand the factors that created it and then make a deliberate decision to shift it. The next step is to take control of the dominant narratives in the business, reinforcing positive habits and behaviors, and presenting a powerful alternative to preconceived ideas. 

In times of difficulty, when the workforce feels apathy and negativity, identifying and changing the dominant mindset can actually improve business performance and rebuild trust and credibility. But if someone doesn’t “own” or take responsibility for driving the mindset of the organization, it will simply drift, potentially undermining efforts to succeed. 

The narrative and stories that are told within an organization’s culture can be the difference between those that are highly motivated and agile, and those that are not. Organizations that have been through tough times need to work harder to shift the dominant mindset and create new stories – establishing a reinvigorated set of narratives that are compelling and motivating. 

At Ludic, we have found the most effective methods and toolsets are those that use the opportunities created by the digital realm and acknowledge the power of working new ideas from the bottom up, as well as the top down. Those that work best are ideas that possess “generative” qualities. 

We have identified four primary factors you can influence that will most affect the mindset of your business and how quickly you can shift it--

Contact us to find out more about how Ludic’s unique and proven methods, tools and services can help you take control of the dominant mindset of your organization, creating powerful new narratives to engage your workforce  – and guide your business’s future.